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Facilis Software-Defined Workflow Demonstrations - HEader

Customize a network for project-based on-prem workflow, remote-access synchronized production, and asset-managed file-based editorial, all in the same system. Ingest and create redundancy of data on cloud and LTO, offer remote access to workstations worldwide and leave on-prem storage unsupervised with up to four drive failure protection through Facilis DynaRAID6.



See the technology in action and let VDS help you plan the ultimate solution for your client’s production challenges.

Version 8 Overview

See the new Version 8 features like Bandwidth Priority, Software Defined Multi-disk Parity, IO Balance, Server Failover and DynaMirror Storage Tiering


Version 8 Administration

Dig deeper into the admin tool set in version 8, including volume and permission management, server groups and roles, bandwidth management and remote mount control, VPN setup and command-line tools for client and server.


FastTracker 3.6 Overview & Demo

See the new FastTracker version 3.6 feature set, including proxy on demand, duplicate and lost file reporting, file movement profiles and catalog search features.


Facilis Object Cloud and Object LTO

Explore the archive integration available with every Facilis product. LTO and Cloud resources can populate the same directory, with drag and drop archive and restore. Integration with FastTracker completes the feature set.


FastTracker Advanced Workflows

Dig deeper into FastTracker workflows, from proxy to cloud for remote access to newly announced ingest, transcription and time-based logging features.



To learn more about Facilis solutions please contact our Facilis Champion Jeff Krueger, or


Versatile Distribution Services is the exclusive Facilis distributor throughout North America, South America, Central America & the Caribbean.


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